Child Care for Foster Children 624-05-15-50-50
(Revised 07/23/18 ML #3535)
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PI 18-27
Foster children may require child care during the work hours of their foster parent. North Dakota does offer reimbursement for child care if the foster child is:
- Placed in a licensed or approved (tribal affidavit) family foster home, and
- In need of child care.
The foster care case manager is responsible to identify the needs for child care and assist the foster family in securing reimbursable child care options. In order for the foster parents to claim reimbursement for child care expenditure, the need for child care must be pre-approved by the case manager, discussed ongoing by the Child and Family Team and documented in the foster child’s case plan. A new written approval is required from the case manager when a foster child’s:
- Placement changes to a new licensed provider home or
- Child care provider changes.
To approve a child care setting for reimbursement, foster care case managers must verify if the child care provider meets the state Early Child Care licensing regulations. Foster care case managers can work with the county child care licensor to assist in verification if needed.
NOTE: After school programs and summer day camps often times are not licensed, meaning they do not meet the reimbursement guidelines for child care reimbursement.
Foster care case managers must provide specific information to the eligibility staff for eligibility file compliance. Items include, but are not limited to:
- Signed approval prior to reimbursement;
- Bill/Invoice from the child care required for reimbursement; and
- Assistance in remedying error/questions related to child care expenses for the foster parent (different rates, need for bill/invoice, etc).
Irregular payment approval form can be found in FRAME under the forms tab.